The potato crop devastation occurred in Ireland for not using one single potato species.
Potato became the staple crop of 18th Century Ireland and was easy to grow in the soil of this place. Later, it became the most dependent crop of the people of Ireland which made its supply very demanding leading to the yielding of more than one species of potatoes.
This yielding reduced the variety in the genetics of potatoes that helped in preventing the disease that affect potatoes by making the Irish people susceptible to famine. The Phytopthora bacteria affected the potatoes of North America in the year 1840 and Ireland’s moist weather in that same year made the blight to thrive.
Answer: Increase in compactness of the material.
Evaporites are the sedimentary rocks that are formed by the sediments and brines of the materials being degraded or withered from the parent and pre-existing rocks. The water is also lost from the withered material due to evaporation. The borax and gypsum also lose water to become evaporites and the increase in compactness due to loss of water molecules and increase in intramolecular forces between solid substances in the rock helps in sedimentation of the rock.
2 organisms can have the same physical traits but no matter what, every single living creature has different DNA. Like how twins can look the same but their DNA won't be exact.
a.There are three signaling pathway
1- Reception in which molecule binds to receptor
2- Signal transduction in which activation of intracellular pathway and enzyme occur.
3- Cellular response in which specific response of cell occur according to receptor and ligand.
b. Three types of receptors are
1- autocrine
2- paracrine
3- endocrine.
autocrine receptors are signaling pathway in which cell releases its molecule and bind to its own cell receptor example cancer cells while paracrine in which ligand binds to other nearby cell receptor and it is used during development and in endocrine cell target distinct cell and travel through blood stream like hormones functioning.