For centuries scientists thought the Universe always existed in a largely unchanged form, run like clockwork thanks to the laws of physics. But a Belgian priest and scientist called George Lemaitre put forward another idea. In 1927, he proposed that the Universe began as a large, pregnant and primeval atom, exploding and sending out the smaller atoms that we see today.
His idea went largely unnoticed. But in 1929 astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered that the Universe isn’t static but is in fact expanding. If so, some scientists reasoned that if you rewound the Universe's life then at some point it should have existed as a tiny, dense point. Critics dismissed this: the celebrated astronomer Fred Hoyle sarcastically called this concept the “Big Bang Theory"
Glucose is a simple sugar with a total of 6 carbon atoms in its structure. Pyruvate has a total of three carbon atoms. Two molecules of pyruvate are obtained per glucose by glycolysis. None of the carbon of glucose is released in the form of CO2 during glycolysis. Therefore, the radio-labeled C-1 of glucose will be the component of the carbon skeleton of one of the total of two pyruvate molecules produced during glycolysis. So, 50% of the pyruvate will exhibit radioactivity.
Explanation: You do 36 + 17 = 53 neutrons
Radiocarbon is the most common.
Espero que esto te sirva un poco :)