1700´s is the right answer
A Law is a set of rules accepted by the country, whereas code is a standard accepted by an individual, society, or a class.
In "To Kill A Mockingbird," in chapter 20, Mayella breaks both "law" and "code."
She breaks law by giving false statement against Tom in the court. And she broke the code, by tempting a Negro.
She accused Tom, who is black, of ra-pe and on the other hand, she lu-sts after a black man. However, breaking of law is more powerful because it involves punishment whereas breaking of code does not.
He says that he is cunning and that he acts wisely, as well as saying that he knows what he is doing. These are characteristics that he claims that crazy people don't have.
The narrator of "The Tell Tale Heart" exhibits strange, uncomfortable and crazy behavior in his murder plans and even the reasons for the murder make the reader see him as crazy. However, this is not what the narrator wants. He wants everything he says to be taken seriously by the reader and for this reason, he says that he has characteristics that crazy people cannot be astute, act wisely and know what he is doing.
This does not justify the narrator's sanity.