Correct answer is: Due to interaction between Pacific and North American plate.
Mountain Redoubt is located in south Alaska. Mentioned mountain is in the vicinity of convergent plate boundary between North American and Pacific plate.
Convergent boundary means that those plates are <em>colliding</em>. One plate always slides beneath another, and in this case Pacific plate slides beneath North American. Area of collision is known as subduction zone.
Pacific plate is oceanic plate, and North American is continental plate. Oceanic plates <u>always slides</u> beneath continental ones. Reason for that is due to their density. Oceanic plates are denser, so they go under continental ones.
Pacific and North American plate interaction is typicall oceanic-continetal boundary where <em>earthquakes</em> (seismic activity) and <em>active volcanoes</em> are common. Some of the strongest earthquakes happened in this area. That was in 1964 in Prince William Sound in the south coast of Alaska. Magnitude was 9.2M, second strongest quake ever recorded in world's history.
Vatican City (I know it has city in the name lol)
Trust me on this one though haha
The land mass is technically a country because of the Lateran treaty of 1929, which made Vatican city an independent state under the Holy See.
It's too long yr mark my answer as branily dear
Dense water sinks below less dense water. This is the principle that drives the deep ocean currents that circulate around the world. A combination of high salinity and low temperature near the surface makes seawater dense enough to sink into the deep ocean and flow along the bottom of the basins.
Population density.
Population density is a statistical data that allows graphing the number of people living in a given territory, dividing the number of inhabitants of that territory by its size, usually in square kilometers or square miles.
Thus, the more the population increases in a territory, the more its population density will increase. An example of territories with a high population density is Hong Kong, with about 7,000 inhabitants per square kilometer, while an example of a nation with a low population density is Canada, with 4 inhabitants per square kilometer.