<span>Victor - a person who defeats an enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or other competition.
</span><span>Enter - begin to be involved in.
</span>In this case (because of the 2 words), I think that the victor is the person who wins the competition while the word enter, or the phrase to enter, is probably meant as in to enter the competition. The question wasn't entirely clear but I hope I have sort of answered it. :)
what does what have to do with the rose? do you have the story?
It's like a word or a sentence that doesn't belong
It's a noun but it it used grammatically wrong in the sentence
You'll know whenever the sentence or phrase stands out
Here's and example: Walking through the kitchen, the smoke alarm was going off." This sentence literally means that the smoke alarm was taking a stroll. Or walking away. Lol
Please let me know if this helps you.
Actually..... all of them are correct!
The difference is whether the word "the orchestra" needs a plural or singular verb. In American English a singular verb is needed (so American English would only accept options a) and c) ) but in British English both forms are acceptable: so in British English all four sentences are correct.