It undermined the civil rights that African Americans had gained during Reconstruction
The smaller, inner planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The inner planets are rocky and have diameters of less than 13,000 kilometers. The outer planets include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The outer planets are called gas giants and have a diameter of greater than 48,000 kilometers.
After the end of the Second World War, and the division of Germany into interest zones, an activity began to mark the policy of great powers in the coming decades. While in Eastern Europe Stalin began with the establishment of communist regimes, and the spread of communism, the US worked with its allies to stop the spread of communism. One of these strategies was to secure fair and democratic elections in the Western states.
The answer is: C.
The dominant language in the middle east in the following 4th century BC was Greek.
The Greek language is classified as a member of a Greek subfamily of the Indo-European languages. In the 4th Century BC, it influences with the expansion of Macedonian conquests of Alexnder the Great. Hordes of people moved from the areas of the modern-day Greece to settlements in the Middle East during the Hellenistic period, bring the Attic language with them that's why Greek is the most common language of the Middle East.
The answer is A, he is considered the father of history. He did write histories about the Trojan War and a history of Ancient Egypt. "On The War For Greek Freedom" and "Xerxes Invades Greece" are among the best.