The answer is a Scanning Electron Microscope
It is important to obtain and prepare proper samples when using SEM. The sample’s size, state, and shape are things that should be considered before the sample preparation. Some samples need to be coated. Most metals require no preparation since they can easily conduct electricity. Non-metals, however, needs to be coated with a thin layer of gold. Gold is the ideal non-metal and works most of the times.
When open punctuation is used, we do not expect the use of punctuation after salutation or complimentary close. It is a relatively new concept in business writing and we can rightly use this method in modified block letter style of writing.
Some companies have developed business letter templates that are arranged in an open style, which permits the use of open punctuation in all aspect of business writings.
int main () {
std::ofstream output {"greeting.txt"};
output << "hey!";
return 0;
When you hit enter key you will create new paragraph so answer is true