Phishing is a type of cyber attack in which the attacker masquerades as a trusted entity via e-mail and trick the recipient into clicking a malicious link that could steal user data including login details, credit card information e.t.c A phishing attack can have devastating effects such as Identity theft, Unauthorised purchase or stealing of funds on individuals.
The common types of phishing are<em>: Vishing, Smishing, Email Phishing, Search Engine Vishing, Whaling</em> e.t.c
<title>first term 9/<title>
<h1>maths formula</h1>
<h1>list of exams<\h1>
You could just use a code library.
The program that checks the BMI of a patient is given below:
<h3>THE CODE</h3>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
// C++ program to illustrate
// how to calculate BMI
float BMI(float height, float weight)
float bmi = weight / pow(height, 2);
return bmi;
int main()
float height = 1.79832;
float weight = 70;
// Function call
float bmi = BMI(height, weight);
cout << "The BMI is " << setprecision(15) << bmi
<< " so ";
// Conditions to find out BMI category
if (bmi < 18.5)
cout << "underweight";
else if (bmi >= 18.5 && bmi < 24.9)
cout << "Healthy";
else if (bmi >= 24.9 && bmi < 30)
cout << "overweight";
else if (bmi >= 30)
cout << "Suffering from Obesity";
return 0;
// This code is contributed by aarohirai2616.
<h3>Output: </h3>
The BMI is 21.64532402096181 so Healthy
Read more about algorithms here:
The missing word here is social.
Social engineering involves using simple human methods to steal data, such as looking through peoples’ drawers for pieces of paper on which they might have written down passwords, or perhaps sneaking a look at the keys you press while walking past your desk as you are typing your password. Such behaviors designed to steal your personal information are methods of social engineering.
Let me know if you have any questions.