Go on account settings, go to subscription, and upgrade.
I find 5 categories
1 Overview
2 Necessity
3 Types
4 Attended installation
4.1 Silent installation
4.2 Unattended installation
4.3 Headless installation
4.4 Scheduled or automated installation
4.5 Clean installation
4.6 Network installation
5 Installer
5.1 Bootstrapper
5.2 Common types
5.3 System installer
Explain Operating System working: OS works as an intermediate between the user and computer. It helps the user to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's language. The kernel is the central component of a computer operating systems.
import sys
coins = { "quarters" : 25, "dimes" : 10, "nickels" : 5, "pennies" : 1 }
def mkChange( balance, coin ):
qty = balance // coins[ coin ]
if( qty ):
print( str( qty ) + ' ' + coin )
return( balance % coins[ coin ] )
if( __name__ == "__main__" ):
if( len( sys.argv ) == 2 ):
balance = int( sys.argv[ 1 ] )
balance = mkChange( balance, "quarters" )
balance = mkChange( balance, "dimes" )
balance = mkChange( balance, "nickels" )
balance = mkChange( balance, "pennies" )
sys.stderr.write( "\nusage: " + sys.argv[ 0 ] + " <change owed>\n" )
1. Understand your audience
2. Add a header
3. Put a face to the name
4. Write a professional headline
5. Be contactable
6. Summarize your story
7. Showcase your experience
8. Let your network speak for you
Hoped this helped