It depends on your heritage but usually men would wear a front apron (isinene) rear apron ( ibheshu) and women would wear a Khiba and a skirt called mosese
Brown v. Board of Education ended Jim
Alexander the Great (356-323 BCE) of Macedon first follwed in his father’s (King Phillip II) footsteps in subduing the city-states
of Greece and then lead his army on a series of campaigns which
successfully conquered the then-known world from Macedon, through
Greece, down to Egypt, across Persia, to India. Alexander’s tutor was the Greek philosopher Aristotle
(384-322 BCE) and, as Alexander traveled, he spread Greek thought and
culture in his wake, thus "hellenizing" (to make `Greek’ in culture and
civilizaion) those he conquered.
After Alexander’s death his Empire was divided among his four generals - the Diadochi or Successors.