The themes of the book include morality and womanhood. Cassy commits infanticide not because she wanted to do it but because she had no choice. She was a slave and that meant she did not have the capacity to raise the baby. Despite this, she still made her decision to kill the baby and that shows her 'moral weakness.'
The Monk's Tale is one of the stories in "The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer. The pilgrims were made to each narrate a story to pass the time and this is how it came into being. One of these pilgrims is the Monk, who narrates a number of tragedy stories among the many stories he knows by heart. His stories tells of "the fall of those who stood in high degree" (The Monk's Tale).
In all of the stories told by the Monk, the themes of a fall of fortune all seems to resonate in them. One of those stories is that of the fall of Lucifer.
Lucifer was regarded as one of the most high angels in God's kingdom. He was even named "<em>morning star</em>". But due to his arrogance, pride and self given importance, he became overcome with so much ego. He decided to revolt against God, resulting in him being thrown out of heaven. To this day, he is still in hell, suffering for the mistakes he had committed.
Some good ideas are blossom, parallel, taxi, carnivore, gift, and miscellaneous.
she was stressed and overwhelmed because she did not do things that children do when she was young.
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