The answer is A!
Ron is showing an invalid experimental placebo in this experiment due to the positive response.
goodluck, :)
Protein is a fat soluble vitamin
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Answer: Option C) Determining the link between genes and the traits they influence.
First, the field of molecular biology seeks to understand the relationship between genes and proteins. Now, since genes are specific sequences on the DNA that codes for functional proteins, and these proteins make up the various traits physically expressed in living organisms such as skin color, blood group etc.
Then, the specific research goal of Carlita would be determining how genes control the expression of individual traits at the molecular level
The phylum Hemichordata is the one that could form an evolutionary connection between the chordates and non-chordates.
To the phylum Hemichordata belongs a genus that scientists believe could explain how the chordates could evolve from the non-chordates. This genus is Balanoglossus, of the class Enteropneusta.
Balanoglossus is similar to a worm, whose habitat is the seabed, and like other hemicordates it has a stomach, a structure that forms part of its digestive system and fulfills the functions of a spine.
Learn more:
Chordates and non-chordates