1. Nibbles crept <u>quietly</u> across the carpet towards the open door and <u>promptly</u> sneaked through while no one was looking.
2. <u>Easily</u>, Sue edged over the ice as she talked <u>gently</u> to her dog clinging to a tree.
3. Eliot's car skidded <u>quickly</u> across the road as it went out of control and the others watched <u>silently</u>.
4. Yesterday, they <u>noisily</u> ate their dinner so they could get to the concert <u>immediately</u>.
5. The birds flew<u /> <u>slowly</u> <u /><u />towards the cliff top and sat <u>comfortably</u> on a ledge.
In "Resistance to Civil Government," Henry David Thoreau uses ethos in order to help his audience gain trust in him. Thoreau uses his own personal experience in order to demonstrate his knowledge of his topic and his own personal connection to it. By using ethos in this rhetorical situation, Thoreau is attempting to inspire trust in his readers and establish his own credibility.
Answer: so the readers can enjoy reading the book
Edward Abbey says that Lake Powell which is formed by Glen Canyon Dam is not a lake but is a reservoir.This means that there is a constantly fluctuating water level based on the power needs of the system that the Dam is connected to. Also this power need is primarly focus of the orchestrators of the dam not the recreational possibilities that they publicize. <span>The drastic change of environment around the river, and the continuous changes of water level, had huge negative impacts on wildlife that were settled near it. The only thing noticeable around the edge of the water is the bathtub ring left by the change of water level.</span>