<h3>Although the 1996 welfare reform legislation has produced a number of positive outcomes, there are serious issues facing the 107th Congress as it prepares to reauthorize the legislation by October 1, 2002. This policy brief discusses 13 important issues associated with the legislation and the controversy surrounding each of them. The issues include: funding of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program and whether states will retain the level of funding and flexibility in program design and operation they currently enjoy; the growing concern that some families are worse off as a result of sanctions or time limits, or because they failed to find or retain jobs after leaving welfare; and the concern that too many children are being reared by single mothers. Also at issue for the new Congress is whether there is enough money for child care, if more assistance should be provided to working poor families, and whether more should be done to help mothers qualify for better jobs.</h3><h2 />
De Soto set out from Spain in April 1538, set with 10 ships and 700 men. After a stop in Cuba, the expedition landed at Tampa Bay in May 1539. They moved inland and eventually set up camp for the winter at a small Indian village near present-day Tallahassee
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He decided to spilt the roman empire
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