Stomata play an important role in photosynthesis as they allow the plant to absorb carbon dioxide from the environment. In exchange, stomata allow oxygen, which is a waste product of photosynthesis, to be released. In the process, water vapor is also lost as the internal parts of the leaves are exposed. To reduce exposure, stomata are found on the underside of the leaves. They are protected from the sun as excessive heat can increase the rate of water vapor leaving and thus wither the plant. Stomata also have guard cells around the epidermis that close when too much water is being lost.
Gravity , Explosion
Nebulae are made of dust and gases—mostly hydrogen and helium. The dust and gases in a nebula are very spread out, but gravity can slowly begin to pull together clumps of dust and gas. As these clumps get bigger and bigger, their gravity gets stronger and stronger.
Eventually, the clump of dust and gas gets so big that it collapses from its own gravity. The collapse causes the material at the center of the cloud to heat up-and this hot core is the beginning of a star.
Troposphere should be the answer