Active faults are structure along which we expect displacement to occur. By definition, since a shallow earthquake is a process that produces displacement across a fault, all shallow earthquakes occur on active faults. Inactive faults are structures that we can identify, but which do no have earthquakes.
The overall goal of IPM is to reduce the environmental and health risks of pesticides within social and economic constraints.
Fix: The scope of IPM implementation will continue to change greatly in the future. What began as limited approaches to promote integration of control methods for key pests and provide guidelines for decisions regarding pesticide applications is evolving to an ecologically-based systems approach.
The water molecules become close together and becomes a solid, the temperature is cold because the heat leaves the cup.
I can't see the image could you please type it out?
I hope this helps :)
Tree pollen is a common hay fever trigger. It’s the first pollen to be released during hay fever season, and levels are typically highest from late March to mid-May.
Around 95% of people’s hay fever is triggered by grass pollen, which tends to be highest between mid-May and July. In fact, there’s strong evidence that when grass pollen levels are high, people with asthma are more likely to need hospital treatment.
Hay fever can also be triggered by weed pollen, which is highest from the end of June until September.
Know your pollen triggers
You can be allergic to more than one kind of pollen across the year. Different pollens are released at different times, but our changeable weather makes it hard to predict exactly when. If you have hay fever symptoms all year round you might have non-allergic rhinitis.
If you regularly get hay fever and take antihistamines, start taking them up to four weeks before you normally get symptoms. Starting them early means that when pollen starts being released, the medication has already built up in your bloodstream so you may be less likely to react.
If you usually use a steroid nasal spray, it can take up to two weeks to start working, so again, start using it before your personal pollen trigger is released.