High quantities of nutrients in water from industrial crop fertilizers and animal waste cause excessive aquatic plant growth — a process known as “eutrophication,” which, in turn, causes “hypoxia,” or water that is low in oxygen. Harmful algal blooms (or HABs) occur when aquatic algae grow rapidly out of control.
The cell bodies of sensory neurons that are in clusters of neurons outside the spinal cord are called ____
The answer is "dorsal root ganglia"
Explanations of some terms
Sensory neurons:
Sensory neurons, also known as afferent neurons, have cell bodies that are located in the dorsal ganglia (also known as spinal ganglia) of the spinal cord. Most sensory neurons have one axon which is split into two branches, they transmit impulses toward the spinal cord.
Spinal cord:
The spinal cord is a tubular structure composed of nervous tissue housed within the vertebral column, runs from the base of the brain to the lower spine. Spinal cord is a component of the Central Nervous System that serves as information highway the between brain and the body which Integrates and processes information. It can function with the brain and can also function independently of the brain.
Dorsal root ganglia:
Dorsal root ganglia also known as dorsal ganglia originated as bipolar cells. They exists within the peripheral nervous system and they have special nerve cell clusters that aid in transmitting the sensory messages of pain and touch. The dorsal root ganglia receive information from sensory receptor organs and transmitting the information to the central nervous system.
There are several mutations that benefit the organism.A well known example is the antibiotic resistance developed by bacteria, which aid in their survival even when they are exposed to a given antibiotic. A single gene mutation in wild almond trees resulted in a variety that no longer synthesizes amygdalin.