We can periodically take a snapshot of the Domain Name System (DNS) caches in the local Domain Name System (DNS) servers.
We can periodically take a snapshot of the Domain Name System (DNS) caches in the local Domain Name System (DNS) servers. The Web server that appears most frequently in the Domain Name System (DNS) caches is the most popular server. This is because if more users are interested in a Web server, then Domain Name System (DNS) requests for that server are more frequently sent by users. Thus, that Web server will appear in the Domain Name System (DNS) caches more frequently.
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function start(){
var age = readInt("Age: ");
if(age == 15){
println("Yes, you are a teenager.");
println("No, you are not a teenager.");
Transmission control protocol ensures packets loss and performs retransmission
TCP works with Internet Protocol (IP)
TCP/IP defines how computers send data packets to each other.
TCP allows transmission of information in both the direction.
Bit rate :defines the rate at which bits are transferred from one place to another