Convert 300% into decimals. So move the decimal point 2 times to the left and you get 3.00 and multiply it by 5 and square it because area of square is s^2
a = 62
Step-by-step explanation:
The sum of the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees
a + 47+71 = 180
Combine like terms
a +118 = 180
Subtract 118 from each side
a =62
3. 5mn ( 2m + 6n + 1 )
4. 4a^3b^2c ( 18a^2b - 8c )
5. (X-15)(X+15)
6. -4(y-4.5)(y+4.5)
8. 2X(X-10)(X+10)
i am not sure if no. 8 is right
We know that:
A = 1440
H = 32
So you need to work backwards to find base.
1440 / 32 = 45
We can check our work:
32 x 45 = 1440
B = 45