Parietal cells within the stomach lining secrete hydrochloric acid that lowers the pH of the stomach. A low pH (1.5 to 2) activates pepsin. Acetylcholine, gastrin, and histamine stimulate the proton pump in parietal cells to release hydrogen ions and decrease pH.
Answer: Plants are cloned to produce identical plants quickly and economically.
They will have A or answer choice C
1. filtration , reabsorption , secretion .
2.kidney , ureters , bladder , urethra , pinusia
3.artificial kidney
Your answer is most probably A). B) implies that nuts are the only thing for birds to eat in a rainforest, which doesn't make sense, C) implies that the insects would need a widely-varied diet to survive, but again there's an abundance of things that a hungry bug can eat, so they don't need a wide dietary coverage, D) suggests that there may be droughts in the area for which the plant may need to be prepared, but in the RAINforest droughts are uncommon.