d. classification review
When an offender is sentenced, a classification review is conducted to determine the most appropriate security level and type of facility.
This is done in order to ensure that the offender does not escape.
This classification review helps to place the offenders in a prison that is commensurate to them. Also, this also considers their security level before designating them to prisons.
It was proven to be a good example on how the British were treating them with such aggressive behavior and they didn’t hit back or do anything thus making Gandhi and his followers look Innocent
The knowledge gap is defined as the difference between the customer’s expectations of the service provided and the company’s provision of the service. This usually means that managers are not aware or have not interpreted in a correct way the customer’s expectations in relation to the company’s services or products.
In a customer-orientated business (such as hotels) it is important to have a clear understanding of the consumer’s need for service.
In this example, <u>Marcia was expecting her room to be ready when she got to the hotel, the pool to be heated and the singer to be able to sing among other things. However, what the hotel had to offer was a non-ready room, a 50 degrees swimming pool and an untuned singer.</u>
<u>Thus, the difference between the expectations of Marcia and the service provided was very big</u> and therefore, we are talking about a severe knowledge gap.
I believe the answer is:
for there's a swallow; Come one swallow, his mate will follow
Internal rhymes refers to a type of rhyme that occurs between other phrases across the lines (whcih is why it is often referred to as middle rhymes) . The word 'swallow' is rhymed with follow,and it's located between two lines with similar sounding 'llow' at the end.
have fun or try to at lest