please give them equal oppotuinity
The way you address an audience will influence the way they respond to your message. By using personal touch you approach the potential client (supposing it is a client) in a more friendly way, action-oriented language catches the reader/listener's attention and avoids redundancies, confidence is a key element to show certainty about your proposal, and of course, positivity emphasizes a positive action.
D war on terror !!!!!!!!!!!!
In a population pyramid, the size of the population under investigation is depicted on the horizontal axis, and age is aligned on the vertical axis. The result is a series of bars stacked on top of one another, each representing an age category (typically in 5-year age groups), with the youngest age group represented by the bottom bar and the oldest age group by the uppermost bar. The horizontal length of each bar represents the number of individuals in the specific age group for the population depicted.