An antivirus is a standalone software that protects other software. On the other hand, a Firewall is capable of preserving both software and hardware on the network.
It knows how to remember data and where to find that data. In other words, it knows how the raw memory works. (RAM).
It understands how to make a program run within the confines of its logical steps in an order that makes the program work the way the user intends.
It can be made to display short cuts, or any icon or picture (not an obvious talent).
It can search for unwanted intruders like ads or viruses.
It can can time events even to the point of getting your coffee ready for you with the proper add on.
Vector images are described by lines, shapes, and other graphic image components stored in a format that incorporates geometric formulas for rendering the image elements
These are the types of images that are produced when scanning or photographing an object. Raster images are compiled using pixels, or tiny dots, containing unique color and tonal information that come together to create the image.
Have a look at the man page for printf:
man 3 printf