True. It was probably written two or three decades after Jesus died, and a few decades before the last gospel, the Gospel of John, was written. Mark the shortest and simplest of the four gospels, and also the one with the most miracle stories, and scholars have been able to determine that it was written first partly by analyzing the ways in which the other three gospels (Matthew, Luke, and John) borrowed information from the Gospel of Mark.
Kennan is credited with writing an anonymous article about the Soviet expansion plans that was influential in the creation of the Truman Doctrine
Enlightenment was still a very masculine enterprise, and it represented, as the previous leading philosophy did, mostly the views of men. Women might have been critical of Enlightenment because they felt that it does not represent the whole population, but only the views of the male population.
Competitive exclusion occurs when "<span>a. organisms attempt to fill the same niche" mostly due to the fact that they are competing over the same food source, which is always limited in some way.</span>