Answer: "N" is considered as the size of the input that is being given in the algorithm.
Explanation: During a problem solving process , a algorithm is used to analyze the problem . Many function and steps are to be taken care of while analyzing algorithm. Among analyzing step, input is also given which is usually zero more than that . An input has a certain size which is given by the initial "N". The input size defines the length of the string for the input.
Answer:A lot of people cry when they cut an onion. The trick is not to form an emotional
Answer: (C) A special service for current customers
The CRM is the customer relationship management that typically use by the banks for providing special type of services to the current customer. This is the way to attract various types of users or customers by providing some special type of offers.
According to the question, bank provide the credit card offers to the customer on the airline tickets so, it is beneficial for both the customer and for the bank as well.
I said CLI.
''A command-line interface (CLI) processes commands to a computer program in the form of lines of text.''- Wikipedia
The answer is likely C. "Can be used by CSS to apply the same formatting to more than one HTML element."
Given that the name of the attribute is "class," it sounds like the kind of code that would be applied to multiple elements intended to display something a specific way.
I've invested hours of my time into learning HTML, but I've never dealt with the "class" attribute. So, maybe take my answer as a grain of salt.