Embryo is multicellular diploid body, under mitosis it forms zygote which is single cell. The union of sperm cell and egg cell. This divides rapidly in the days followed by fertilisation. After two week of division it forms zygote. Most of flowering plants in the tissue present in the seed. It is surrounded by the embryo and also provides nutrition in the form of starch, it also have oils and proteins in it.
fine details such as the wings, legs and other fragile structures are preserved effectively giving us a window into how the preserved organism would have appeared in life. without the presence of amber, we wouldn't be able to examine a majority of small prehistoric organisms.
Explanation: amber is able to preserve a snapshot of the ancient world in ways that other forms of fossilization simple fails to do. while an imprint of a feather could be preserved in rock the actual feather could be captured within amber. Amber also preserves small organisms that otherwise would have been lost to time such as the insects seen in the photo above. And much like the gecko seen below it can show us how these organisms truly appeared in life.
Genes are typically hundreds or thousands of base pairs in length because they code for proteins made of hundreds or thousands of amino acids. Most genes contain the information needed to make functional molecules called proteins.
Cooks add salt to water in order to further flavor their food via osmotic behaviors.
A derived trait is a trait that the current organism has, but the previous one did not have.An ancestral trait is a trait that you, and your ancestors had.A vestigial structure is a structure that had some sort of use in your ancestor, but none in your current body