“Tissues, Part 4 – Types of Connective Tissues: Crash Course A&P #5”:
1. You can eat ____________________________ tissue raw. What does need cooking, though, is the _____________________________ tissue in order to break it down so that we can chew it.
2. The most diverse type of connective tissue is your connective tissue ______________________________. It has two categories: loose and dense. The subclasses are based on how many fibers it has in its ________________________________________.
3. Loose connective tissue have _____________ fibers, and __________ cells, and __________ ground substance.
4. Areolar tissue is the most common loose connective tissue in your body. Under a microscope, its most obvious feature is that it looks like it has a lot of ___________________________ in it.
5. Your ____________________________ tissue is your fat tissue.
6. Your reticular tissue is what holds your _________________________ in place in many of your organs.
7. Dense, regular tissue is full of _____________________________ fibers, making it hard to break apart.
8. If the collagen fibers aren’t all stacked together neatly, you have dense _____________________ tissue.
9. Dense ______________________ tissue are found in areas where you need support and flexibility.
10. Hyaline cartilage connects your ribs to your ____________________ and can be found on the tip of your nose.
11. Elastic cartilage is found where flexibility is needed, like your __________________.
12. Fibro cartilage acts like a shock absorber and can be found in your vertebrae or ________________ joints.
13. Bone is just _____________________________________ connective tissue.
14. In the case of blood, the ground substance is your blood ______________________, which has protein fibers floating around it.
15. Most of your blood cells are RED WHITE blood cells. The rest of your blood is made of leukocytes and platelets.