IaaS - storage and network devices
SaaS - software upgrades and patches
MaaS - monitoring tools
PaaS - virtual computing platform
By Using the Greedy- Activity- Selection algorithm
The Greedy- Activity- Selection algorithm in this case involves
First finding a maximum size set S1, of compatible activities from S for the first lecture hall.
Then using it again to find a maximum size set S2 of compatible activities from S - S1 for the second hall.
This is repeated till all the activities are assigned.
It requires θ(n2) time in its worse .
You can have a basic button class that gets inherited by other classes.
class Button {
function pushButton(){}
class ElevatorButton extends Button{};
class BigRedButton extends Button{};
With these new classes, they inherit from the basic button class. They can decide what happens when the method pushButton() is called.
You don't need to worry about what pushButton() actually does, you can just call it if the object is of the type "Button" and you can expect it to work.
the umbrellas are repeated
Automation testing can be used for:
<u>Input-output test
:</u> If the main function of your software is to transform input data into output data you can configure a new test by providing a new input/output pair, then the test will check to see if the output matches with the expected values.
<u>Unit test
:</u> This test is a script to check the return values of a specific code by initializing it and calling his methods. This is a part of a test-driven development process.
<u>Integration test
:</u> This test is a code level script that does a complete check process involving multiple objects. For example, you might make a test for “buy a product” which checks to see if the database is updated, if the data is correct of the person is correct, and if the person placing the order gets the right confirmation email.
<u>Smoke Tests:</u> This test is executed immediately after implementation on production to ensure that the application is still functioning.