I believe in this case you would be using Clip Art.
Smart Art is used on words to make graphics usually.
Graphs are not pictures
Shapes are completely different
d. by increasing their customer knowledge and leveraging that information to improve customer experience
Consumers are at the heart of all businesses as they are the ones who our product are targeted. They purchase these goods and the company makes profit. Therefore, it is paramount for businesses to identify their target consumers in other to understand their preference and serve them accordingly. With data analytics, a consumers purchase history, likes and viewed products may be used to improve relationship between consumers and service providers. Once a consumer's preference is anlysed using data, then this is leveraged to improve the kind of service offered to such consumer leasing to better consumer experience.
Answer: str[0].toUpperCase();
str[0] is pointing to the first character of the entire string and the code str[0].toUpperCase() will convert the characters to upper case if they are in lowercase and will remain unchanged if they are already in upper case.
The name "multimedia" itself tells us that, it involves "multiple types of media".
There are 5 different types of media which comes under multimedia. They are "text, video, audio, graphics, animation".
Text: A plain text
Audio: The musical background or any type of audio
Video: Visuals taken through cameras
Graphics: The use of diagrams in calculation and design
Animation: Moving pictures.
So video texted involves "more than one type of media" so this can be called as "multimedia".
Answer: Static local variable is a variable that is initialized as static only one time inside a function and whenever it is called in that function it will be accessible.
Explanation: Static local variables are very useful variables which are declared as static in a particular function. Static local variable is initialized only one time in a function and whenever the function in which it has been declared ,the value of the variable will be accessible by as many times it has been called in the function in which it is declared.