Desertification in the Sahil has caused a loss of farmland and migration a farmer south for more fertile land. The Sahara desert that stretches across most of northern Africa creates a barrier that divides the African cultural groups in the south from Muslim and air up in the north.
1. Corresponding Author: Dr. Rifat Nawreen Islam Assistant Professor
Depertment of Forensic Medicine
Medical College for Woman and Hospital, Uttara, Dhaka
2. Dr. Noor-E-Tabassum
Associate Professor
Depertment of Pharmacology
Medical College for Woman and Hospital, Uttara, Dhaka
3. Dr. A K M Safiuzzaman MBBS MCPS Lecturer, Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka
4. Professor Md. Monowarul Islam Sarker MBBS MCPS Professor & Head of Forensic Medicine Department Medical College for Women, Uttara, Dhaka
The state of nature is a theoretical concept in political philosophy which indicates the condition which human beings live, before being formed into a political body. For Thomas Hobbes, human beings exist in a state of nature where all make war upon all. Jean Jacques Rousseau, on the other hand, states that human beings live in a state of nature corrupted by the establishment of political and social bonds.
a. I exchanged my dollar for ten dimes.
The statement I exchanged my dollar for ten dimes. Store of value is the function by which asset can be saved, retrieved and exchanged at a later time.