<h2>(choice A)comma </h2>
is that not thate
Mary was fleeing from the robber. She was running through the ally evading the man who was trying to exploit her. Mary kept looking over her sholder trying to gauge when he would catch her. Suddenly the ally opened onto the street. She saw a cop who seemed engrossed in his donut. She ran to his car and pounded on his window. He oppened his door and steped out. He saw the man run out of the ally. The man stoped and took in the scene. He knew that if he kept running it was a given that the cop would capture him. The man turned and ran back into the ally. Mary was safe.
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The correct answer would be, A word, phrase, or clausethat seems to refer to or modify an unintended word because of its placement in a sentence.
Each paragraph of your media analysis essay should evaluate the evidence that has been given to support the thesis.have specifically referenced reorganized for overall organization and wordiness.focus on one major idea that relates to your thesis. Each paragraph of your media analysis essay should focus on one major idea that relates to your thesis.
My Dear Friend,
It's wonderful to live in Britain but I want to start a new life a new me. So I want to leave for the big city. I want to leave because I want to see all the place's and things i never saw in my life. It's just i dont want to stay here longer I've seen a lot and that's why I wanna leave Britain. I went to Britian to follow my dreams and become an actress but nothing happend. But in the big city you always have a chance. I also feel super excited because this is my chance to make my dreams come true! I'm so excited to move but I will miss you I'm sorry that I'm going to leave but you'll understand. Bye!
Your friend
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