The class that was exempt from taxes and military service was bonzes
He resigned because he'd already had enough trouble as president. Mainly the Watergate scandal. His plan was for him to step down and if he was arrested the vice president which would then be the vice president would pardon him. Also, if he didn't resign he'd likely be impeached anyway.
The european started to embrace the islamic teaching in the late 20th centuries.
If we're solely talking about the 700s Period, the answer would be : They wee threatened by it and sought to stop it
Back then, they believe that the islamic expansion would bring a huge threat for their current religious system
hope this helps
Una controversia que recuerda a GamerGate se está gestando en la comunidad de juegos, ya que el diseñador de un juego popular defiende su elección para programar algunos estereotipos problemáticos de género en sus personajes.
Aunque RimWorld aún no es un juego completo, el simulador de supervivencia de la caja de arena de la colonia de ciencia ficción, publicado por primera vez en 2013 — se ha vuelto cada vez más popular desde su lanzamiento de “Early Access” en la plataforma Steam en julio pasado.