E decrease the product price
Maturity stage of the product is the stage where the product has already saturated in the market and sales begin to peak and slow down. Many companies will want to maintain this stage when it peaks but when the decline starts showing up it is a great challenge for them due to competition that cuts in from other companies. so companies at maturity stage would want to adopt the method of decreasing the price of the product in order to fight off competition.
The statement which is false is D) .
Income statement helps in assessing the current and past performance of the company, it also helps in predicting the future performance and in assessing the risk present in future in obtaining cash flows. Income statement are prepared through two methods either single step format ( which is used by sole proprietor and partnership firms ) or multi step format ( used by corporations ) .
In the single step format , all the income items are group together and are subtracted from the total cost, while in multi step format , a company breaks all the sources from where the revenues and cost have come, it is used to take out various measures like gross profit, operating profit etc.
A common size statement is one of the type of income statement where each account item is represented as a percentage of total sales value.
Option D is false because discounted operations and extraordinary transactions appear on both the single step and multi step format , these transactions are written as written as footnote below the statement.
d.economic duress
The economic duress in simple terms means a party who is entering into a contract frightens or threatens of cancelling the contract or does not act according to the terms of the contract unless the other party in the contract agrees to their demands.
In the context, the conduct of Roger against Karl is probably can be called as the 'economic duress' as Roger informs Karl before the deadline of filing the response that he will not represent himself against IRS unless Karl enters into a deal of an expensive retainer agreement. Thus it is an economic duress that Roger is showing and forcing Karl to agree on his demands.
(C) the intended use of a product.
Implied as the term means that it is obvious, further guarantee means that the guarantee is obvious.
Now, this is because of the use of the product, as for example there is an equipment called heater, which is generally sold in winters, as it warms the room.
Now it is implied that the heater shall at-least be in proper condition and shall work without any failure for one season of winters.
The correct answer is,
Statement C