I believe the correct answer is the first option. The labor supply curve is upward sloping because the opportunity cost of leisure decreases as wages decrease and the opposite of such is true as well. As one work one hour more, one will have less time for other activities. As the work rate increases in value, then the opportunity cost increases as well.
D. All the Above
A. Lead to greater productivity
This is true because through specialization and competitive advantages you can achieve greater productivity in the production of goods and services. If you have a competitive advantage, it is because you have more capital, infrastructure and specialized human capital in the production of a specific type of good or service so that a greater amount of that good can be produced than another country in the same time.
B. Lead to greater output even if you can do everything better than someone else.
This is true since although a country has a competitive advantage in all industries, concentrating its labor and capital in the production of the good or service in which it has the greatest competitive advantage will allow a higher level of production in that sole good/service than if he divided his resources into the production of other goods and services.
C. Lead to international trade and overall gains for the nations involved.
This point, despite being true, is debatable. In theory, international trade allows to reach greater levels of wealth to the countries involved by being able to exchange the goods in which they have competitive advantage for others that if they were produced in the country they would consume part of their resources by not having such high productivity as if it will trade with a country that does have the capacity to produce it.
Having this clear, we can say that all of the above are true, so the answer is D.
The business owner should not only rely on his best judgement to determine projected costs and revenues. He should consider the trends in the market and his company performance on the previous months in order to make a sales forecast.
There are 1 simple step to organize your writing. First, organize your thoughts on a paper and plan out what you want to add. You can do this with a graphic planner or just writing notes down you need. Next, create a rough draft to make sure your sentences flow properly, that you have no grammatical errors or misspellings. Finally, write out your final paper, so it's clean and well written out.