A planet is a celestial body that revolves around a star. In our solar system, Earth is the third planet from the sun. The word planet comes from the Greek planetes, which means "wanderer." Since ancient times, people have been fascinated by the wandering of celestial bodies in the night sky.
Neighboring cardiac muscle cells in the walls of heart chambers have specialized cell-to-cell contacts that electrically and mechanically link the cells together, permitting the immediate passage of muscle impulses. These cell-to-cell contacts are called <u>intercalated discs.</u>
Intercalated discs can be described as unique structures present between the cardiac muscles of the heart. The intercalated discs play a major role in making the cardiac muscles contract in a rhythm so that the heart can pump blood in a regular fashion and it hence regulates the effective functioning of the heart. The intercalated discs are the structures that join on cardiac muscle to another and is involved in the transmission of chemical messages between them.
i think its energy that made by our body.. its form from a chemical substance (from food). The chemical energy in our body is the heat we give.