If the ratio of girls to boys in Mr. Hansen's class is 4:5, and the ratio of girls to boys in Ms. Luna's class is 8:10, then the equation that correctly compares the ratio of both Mr. Hansen's class and Ms. Luna's class are 4/5 = 8/10.
Step-by-step explanation:
Because there is a zero at the end so it is already at the tenth place.
-5 is the answer
Step-by-step explanation:
c is the answer
y = 4x+1
Step-by-step explanation:
20x + 18
Step-by-step explanation:
We need to use the distributive property, where we essentially take the sum of the product of the outside number with each of the inside terms.
In 7(4x - 2), 7 is the outside number and 4x and -2 are the inside numbers, so:
7(4x - 2) = 7 * 4x + 7 * (-2) = 28x - 14
In 4(2x - 8), 4 is the outside number and 2x and -8 are the inside numbers, so:
4(2x - 8) = 4 * 2x + 4 * (-8) = 8x - 32
Now, we have:
28x - 14 - (8x - 32) = 28x - 14 - 8x + 32 = 20x + 18
The answer is 20x + 18.