the 282 laws are one of the earliest and more complete written legal codes from ancient times. The codes have served as a model for establishing justice in other cultures and are believed to have influenced laws established by Hebrew scribes, including those in the Book of Exodus.
Hammurabi's Code is one of the most helpful windows that we have into examining Babylonian society. One thing we learn is that reputation was incredibly important as the Code specifically lays out punishments for slander (Law #127). ... The Code illustrates that property and ownership were extremely important.
Great Britain blockaded the American coast to prevent U.S. ships from exporting goods to france
A naval base is the answer
these changes will be monitor with heart rate monitor and a weighing scale.
-the one and only kitkat
Answer: A historian studies each of the major world powers between the years 100 BCE and 100 CE
Explanation: your Brain