It warned Roosevelt that Germany was developing an atomic bomb and encouraged him to start a nuclear program in the US that later became the Manhattan Project
Apparently, she wrote some dirty jokes in her diary.
The Social Contract and Government
The fundamental basis for government and law in this system is the concept of the social contract, according to which human beings begin as individuals in a state of nature, and create a society by establishing a contract whereby they agree to live together in harmony for their mutual benefit, after which they are said to live in a state of society. This contract involves the retaining of certain natural rights, an acceptance of restrictions of certain liberties, the assumption of certain duties, and the pooling of certain powers to be exercised collectively.
wanted to defend slavery
In the 19th century, Southern Democrats were whites in the South who believed in Jacksonian democracy. In the 1850s they defended slavery in the United States, and promoted its expansion into the West against northern Free Soil opposition
They were adapted to the land. They planted crops. They needed to trade for supplies. Did not think they would need to plant crops.