Casimir Pulaski
- In recognition of his efforts, Pulaski was named a brigadier general of cavalry on September 15th.
- The first officer to oversee the cavalry became "the father of the American cavalry."
- Although it consisted of only four regiments, it immediately began devising a new set of regulations and training for its people. As the Philadelphia campaign continued, it alerted Washington to British movements that resulted in a failed battle on September 15th. This saw Washington and Howe briefly meet at Malvern, PA, before heavy rains stopped the fight.
- The following month, Pulaski played a role at the Battle of Germantown on October 4th. After the defeat, Washington retreated to the winter quarters at Valley Forge.
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The Aztec use of the calendar and the Maya writing system both illustrate that pre-Columbian cultures in the Americas. they were highly advanced and flourished despite being isolated from Europe and the rest of the world.
The tonalpohualli, which means "counting of the days," was a religious calendar utilized by the Aztecs. This had a long history in Mesoamerica, maybe dating back to the Olmec civilization in the first millennium BCE. It had a 260-day cycle, which was probably based on astronomical measurements at first.
The Maya civilization of Mesoamerica used a local writing system known as Maya script, also known as Maya glyphs, which is the only Mesoamerican writing system that has been largely deciphered. The Aztecs and Maya both employed logographs to represent complete sentences or ideas. This method functioned similarly to how texting operates today (omg). The majority of Maya writing that has been discovered on steals, stairways, and in and on numerous historic structures describes a historical occasion.
To know more about Maya writing system refer to:
Gilded Age
Gilded Age is a term that is used to describe the period in which the economy of the United States grew at a faster rate compared to other periods in the nation's history. The period which lasted between the 1870s to early 1900s, witnessed an economic boom, active political participation, social reforms, and increased social thoughts.
Hence, in this case, the text provided in t question perfectly described GILDED AGE.
Artikel ini menganalisis perkembangan ekonomi liberal dalam kegiatan perdagangan bebas di Negeri-Negeri Melayu Bersekutu (NNMB) sebelum Perang Dunia Pertama. Pendekatan neomerkantilisme digunakan untuk meneliti peranan kerajaan yang bersifat ‘protective’dalam memusatkan pentadbiran dan penggubalan dasar berkaitan pembangunan perdagangan antarabangsa. Galakan terhadap eksport perdagangan, pembentukaan sistem tarif dan tumpuan pengumpulan surplus merupakan analisis penting neomerkantilisme dalam mengukur sumber kekayaan negara. Perubahan reformasi tarif yang berlaku di Britain secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi perubahan dasar ekonomi di Pejabat Tanah Jajahan menjelang awal abad ke-20. Kerajaan Britain menggunakan ‘imperial preference’sebagai langkah untuk melindungi kepentingan perdagangannya di tanah jajahan. Dasar ekonomi yang bersifat liberal amat diperlukan oleh Britain bagi mengatasi masalah perdagangan bebas yang menerima persaingan yang hebat daripada blok neomerkantilisme, khususnya Amerika Syarikat dan Jerman pada awal abad ke-20
The Cold War event that happened last was the Berlin Wall construction.
1949 - Germany is divided
-After World War II, Germany was occupied militarily by the Allied, dividing the territory into four autonomous zones of occupation, under the unified command of an Allied Control Council. Although the initial plan was to reunify the country, the growing tension between the United States and the Soviet Union in the framework of the Cold War caused the western occupation zones to unite in 1949 into a new independent state called the Federal Republic of Germany, to which the USSR responded constituting the same year the German Democratic Republic in its respective zone of occupation.
1950 - The Korean War starts
-The Korean War took place between 1950 and 1953. It faced the Republic of Korea, supported by the armed forces of several countries commanded by the United States; and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, supported by the People's Republic of China and the Soviet Union.
1955 - The Warsaw Pact is formes
-The Warsaw Pact was a military cooperation agreement signed on May 14, 1955 by the countries of the Eastern Bloc.
1961 - The Berlin Wall is built
-The Berlin Wall was a security wall that formed part of the inter-German border from August 13, 1961 to November 9, 1989.