This could have been a case of polymedication, but I doubt it since it is an 82-year-old woman. I'm not sure if they are antibiotics, but benzodiazepines and anticholinergic drugs can cause amnesia. Or, it is a possibility her primary care doctor gave her the wrong dosage of the antibiotics, causing side effects, one of them possibly being amnesia.
There are three common delivery methods used for parasite control in cattle: injections (syringe and needle), oral drenches (by mouth), and pour-ons (oil based liquids poured on back)
The most important prerequisite for assessing the quality of health care delivery system is to collect the medical records of the patients admitted and discharged from the hospital.
Change it up a bit <3
Blood PC02 may be measured by using direct spectrophotometer
Blood gas analysis or arterial blood gas (ABG) test is done to determine blood pH and the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide dissolved in arterial blood.
Blood PCO2 is the partial pressure of carbon dioxide dissolved in the arterial blood.
ABG or oximetry test is done by using direct spectrophotometry in a spectrophotometer and gas analysis is done by calorimetric methods. Spectrophotmetry is highly used in Medicine to perform quantitative analysis of blood and its composition. The spectrophotometer measures the light intensity or wavelengths absorbed by the sample solution.
Blood PCO2 reflects the degree of exchange gases in and out of the lungs. An increase in PCO2 levels indicates respiratory illnesses like obstructive lung diseases or pulmonary edema; while a decrease indicates conditions like hypoxia, pulmonary embolism, hyperventilation etc.