I believe alcohol addiction is related to males who's father's were alcohol addicted. this condition is due to hereditary DNA. Studies have proven more males than females suffer from this addiction.
births - deaths = growth
(births - deaths) + (immigrants - emmigrants) is what you would normally use to calculate the growth of a population, but because they can't move, you can cut out the immigrant and emmigrant part of the equation.
The substage condenser is either incorrectly positioned or the light stop is the wrong size for the objective- or there me be a smudge/mark on the eyepiece
One risk for accessing carbon from the ground is that it may cause soil contamination. Soil when exposed to large amount of gases and other organically decaying materials can absorb these into their make-up. Fossil fuels are extracted from the ground through drilling processes. When the drilling is unsuccessful, pockets created within the soil can create areas for contamination. When soil is contaminated by fossil fuels, it can no longer be use for agricultural purposes.