Yes It's true but You forgot email
initial = float(eval(input('Enter the monthly saving amount: ')))
x = (1 + 0.00417)
month_one = initial * x
month_two = (initial + month_one) * x
month_three = (initial + month_two) * x
month_four = (initial + month_three) * x
month_five = (initial + month_four) * x
month_six = (initial + month_five) * x
print('The sixth month value is: '+str(month_six))
Don't forget the saving amount, and initialize the balance with that amount. Inside the loop, work out and add the interest and then add the saving amount for the next month.
balance = 801
for month in range(6):
balance = balance * (1.00417)
Transitive dependency
In this case, we have three fields, where field 2 depends on field 1, and field three depends on field 2.
For example:
Date of birth --> age --> vote
Partial dependency
It is a partial functional dependency if the removal of any attribute Y from X, and the dependency always is valid
For example:
Course and student these tables have a partial dependency, but if we have the field registration date, this date will depend on the course and student completely, we must create another table with the field registration date to remove this complete dependency.
If we remove or update the table registration date, neither course nor student must not change.
Eve is employing a <u>chosen-ciphertext attack.</u>
Encryption is a strategy employed in the cyber world to allow sensitive and private data to be unreadable in the form of text or make the content of the data inaccessible by intruders. This is imperative to guard data and can only be accessed with the use of a key (password). Whoever has the authorized key could get access to the data thereby making the encrypted data readable in the process called Decryption.
The Ciphertext is a term used to explain data encrypted in the form of text.
When Eve tricked Alice into decrypting a bunch of ciphertexts, she was interested in having the general public key or private key depending on what she wants to get access to which makes it a chosen-ciphertext attack. Usually, these keys are in algorithm formats with long characters. When the chosen-ciphertext is analyzed by Eve, then she could guess the user secret key.
Computer hardware is any physical device used in or with your machine, whereas software is a collection of code installed onto your computer's hard drive. For example, the computer monitor you are using to read this text and the mouse you are using to navigate this web page are computer hardware.