The three fundamental principles underlying the use of mnemonics are imagination, association, and location.
Keep Source Formatting & Embed Workbook
Source formatting is used to apply the formatting from source document while copying and pasting.
Source is the place where the data is already placed and we want to move it make a copy of it on some other document. So if we don't want to change the formatting of source document, we choose source formatting from the options while pasting.
Embed is used to whenever we don't want to link the formatting with source document.
You use the Paste Options button labeled <u><em>Keep Source Formatting & Embed Workbook</em></u><em> </em>if you want the pasted chart not to be linked to the source document and you want the pasted chart to keep the formatting from the source document.
D. all the above
because doctor uses stethoscope to listen patients heart, he also used hammer to check patients reflexes and also doctor has to listen to the patient.
I included my code in the picture below.
Mac OS came out in 2001. This is software that was created by Apple to run the "Mac Computers." This software is still used to this day.
MS-DOS came out in 1981. This is software that was created by Microsoft to run x86 computers. This software is no longer used.
Windows New Technology came out in 1985. This is software that was created by Microsoft to run a ton of different computers. This software is still used to this day.
Windows Vista came out in 2006. This software that was created by Microsoft to run a variety of personal computers. This software is no longer used.
By the information given, Windows Vista was the last to be released.
Best of Luck!