The answer is "True".
To transfer data, the fiber optic wire used a high-speed data transmission medium, which includes a small glass or plastic polymers, that carry the light beam to transmit data through swift light flashes through the cable.
- It enables the transmission of data more quickly over larger distances.
- In this cable, the traditional cable use to provide web data transfer to cable TV, that why the given statement is true.
#include <iostream>//including libraries
using namespace std;
int main()
int arr[6] = { 0,1,2,3,4,5 };//make sure size of arr is 1 less than secArr
int secArr[7];//second array (1 element bigger)
for (int i = 0;i < 6;i++)//looping through each element (6 times)
secArr[i + 1] = arr[i];//transferring elements to second array and shifting by 1 cell
cout << secArr[i + 1] << endl;//printing elements of second array
return 0;//terminating program
The array size can range from any number. just make sure to keep arr one less than secArr. This is because we need the room for the extra element. This task is to help you understand how array work and how to parse through them using loops. For loops are the best for this task because even if you think intuitively, they work for as long as there are items in the array. and you can define the size yourself.
Streaming movies may stop to buffer
microphones have a set record limit, and games downloaded wont generate errors unless something in the code is wrong, printers don't really need to connect to internet to work except for some, and streaming movies buffer because as you are watching them it downloads the next few minutes.
Hadoop clusters can boost the processing speed of many big data analytics jobs, given their ability to break down large computational tasks into smaller tasks that can be run in a parallel, distributed fashion.