Answer: The blood, the door handle, paint, fingerprints,hair,footprints,dust, and if there is a body then they uslly study the body. They can be tested in the CSI and law inforcment, they are tested by the doctors add chemicals and they study it. they study the blood and test how l how long the blood has been there. and by using a magnifyer to see if they missed anything in the blood like dust or dirt or food they study that
Answer: Encouraging the courts to make the right choice
Media coverage is beneficial in the sense that it can keep the American public informed on rulings that would fundamentally set the groundwork for future rulings. For example take the case of the State of Minnesota v. Derek Chauvin. This was a rare example of a police officer being punished for grave misdeeds.
Media coverage may put pressure on a court to make a right decision. However in some cases this can become problematic, swaying the jury one way or another and making them partial when they are to remain impartial.
Answer - > Inter-Governmental Organizations or (IGO's)
B. prior DUI convictions
Florida's progressive DUI laws take prior DUI convictions into account.