ACLU: Gifts to the ACLU allow us the greatest flexibility in our work. While not tax deductible, they advance our extensive litigation, communications and public education programs. They also enable us to advocate and lobby in legislatures at the federal and local level to advance civil liberties. When you make a contribution to the ACLU, you become a “card-carrying” member who takes a stand for civil liberties.
A judge trial can, in turn, be much less stressful for a defendant. It is only the judge, defendant, and attorneys.Judgeships are prestigious and lucrative. Most salaried judges receive insurance benefits (health, life, and dental), sick leave, and a pension upon retirement.
Its A. all citizens
everyone has to follow the law even if they are not making money
Existe una conexión fundamental entre los desastres ambientales y la conciencia individual, en tanto las acciones de los individuos conforman parámetros de conducta social que, repetidos en el tiempo, pueden afectar de forma positiva o negativa al ambiente.
Por lo tanto, en caso de conductas individuales que sean negativas para el medio ambiente, estas (en caso de ser repetitivas y generalizadas) podrían desencadenar desastres ambientales que afecten de forma permanente la estabilidad de los ecosistemas, afectando de forma indirecta la calidad de vida de las personas.