this is the community his work about the system so he cannot ans this question sorry
a. not change; improve
Balance of trade is the difference in value over a period of time between a country’s imports and exports of goods and services, usually expressed in the unit of currency of a particular country (e.g., dollars for the United States, yen for the Japan).
Balance of payments record the receipts and payments of the residents of the country in their transactions with residents of other countries.
A Japanese insurance company purchases U.S. government securities. From the perspective of the United States, the balance of trade with Japan will not change and the balance of payments with Japan will improve.
Answer: See explanation
Based on the information given, we are informed that the co-worker has recorded a cash receipt twice and wants the full time bookkeeper to record a correcting entry that will reverse the mistakes.
Before making a decision about the correcting entry, it is necessary to check the entry and cross check the balances for sales and cash. One has to also check the receipts and every other necessary details in order to make sure that the transaction is genuine and not fraudulent.
After the through check, if the person is sure and confident that everything is okay, then the correcting entry can be made.
Basically there are two spans of control namely; wide and narrow. A wide span of control is one in which a manager or supervisor interacts with many team members. In other words, the levels of hierarchy involved where there is a wide span of control is few. As such, this structure entails that a large number of the team members report directly to the manager.
The narrow span of control is one in which the manager supervises or interacts with a few team members. In other words, there is some level of hierarchy involved such that the managers direct subordinates are few and have subordinates who report to them.
To state it in another way, the wider the span of control, the fewer level of report or levels of hierarchy and the narrower the span of control, the higher the levels of hierarchy required.
In light of the explanation above, it can be deduced that Jody has a wide span of control over her team.
A company is assessing opportunities in the BRIC countries and determines that India is one of the youngest populations in the world and is increasingly adopting global attitudes.
The BRIC classification acronym refers to the nations of Brazil, Russia, India and China that are perceived to be developing nations working their way towards becoming developed nations during a similar stage of newly established economic growth.
India is among the youngest people worldwide with such a median age of 26.7 years. Her young people are becoming more and more urban, residing in growing cities and shopping in malls.
There is a shortage of modern facilities and structures to handle India's retail environment. India's population, especially in technical fields, is highly skilled.