The answer is
The sun and an eager toddler
In the highlighted stanza, the sun is being compared to an eager toddler who "can't wait to play", in this case, the sun's bright rays are trying to intrude into the speaker's room.
Electronic cigarettes should not be banned because it can help cigarette smokers come off a bad habit. Even though there aren't sufficient studies out on e-cigarettes, there has been a lot of positive outcome on regular cigarette smokes being able to kick their addiction.
(use QuiliBot to change the words for you (: )
I hope this helps!
At the end of the story, the narrator not only feels compassion for Miss Lottie, but as an adult, she feels her pain as well.... the need for beauty, the passion for marigolds.
For one does not have to be ignorant and poor to find that his life is as barren as the dusty yards of our town. And I too have planted marigolds.