Two types of orientation behavior are as follows:
Taxis behavior:
This is a type of orientation behavior that mainly occur in response towards the external stimulus. Taxis may be positive (movement towards the stimulus) or negative ( movement away from the stimulus). Different types of taxis behavior are phototaxis, aerotaxis, chemotaxis and magnetotaxis.
Kinesis may be defined as a type of orientation behavior that can change the complete movement or orientation of the organism. Kinesis is a random movement and organism can move in either direction. Different type of kinesis are klinokinesis and orthokinesis.
The answer would be vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
The small intestine has a role in food digestion and absorption. Bypassing most of the small intestine will reduce the food transit time there, thus reducing the amount of substance that can be absorbed.
These surgery supposed to help diabetes type 2 patient, not making it worse. It should be not related to kidney or muscle.
Yes, Mass Extinctions May Have Been Caused By Meteors, as the probability of mass extinction occurring after an asteroid that could hit a random location on the Earth's surface was approximately 13% when the Chicxulub-scale asteroid hit the Earth.
Soot could be the main cause of mass extinction after an asteroid impact.