Jaylyn Fly's average is 11
Suzy Swoosh's average is 10.9
Suhain Sprint's average is 10.4
When you need to find an average, you just need to add the numbers up and then divide by the total number of values you added.
Dr. Haxton says the O-O bond is polar and the C-C bond is nonpolar. A good student would say ...
a.No, both bonds are highly polar.
b.Yes. O attracts electrons more strongly than C.
c.Right! O is electronegative, so O2 is polar.
d.Wrong again, Ralph. Both bonds are nonpolar. When two atoms of the same kind form a covalent bond, they share electrons equally because their electronegativity is the same.
e.No way. C is more electronegative than O.
Answer: d.Wrong again, Ralph. Both bonds are nonpolar. When two atoms of the same kind form a covalent bond, they share electrons equally because their electronegativity is the same.
Often when O and H are present in the substance at (opposite) ends (of the electronegativity scale), the polarity observed is very large, we can safely say the substance have a polar bond in it.
explosive is the word that would identify one stage of a volcanic activity
The study of health and disease within a geographic context and from a spatial perspective is medical geography.
God bless!